Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What are we going to do with your information?

We will make use of your email address to send you an email confirmation of the purchase.

You IP address will be automatically recorded when you access this site. We will be able to determine your operating system and browser through this data.

If you agree, we\’ll send you emails concerning the latest offerings from our shop or additional important information.

Section 2: Consent

Does anyone know of a better way to gain my permission other than asking me?

When you provide us with personal information to make a payment, verify the card number, make an online transaction or make an order for delivery, return or exchange of products, you imply that you accept its collection and only use for the purpose for which you provided it.

We\’ll ask for consent or offer you an alternative to refuse if we discover that our data is used in ways that aren\’t related.

Section 3: Disclosure

In some cases, we will be required to disclose personal information if the law requires the sharing or if you\’ve in violation of our terms and condition.

Section 4. Services provided by a third party

Our third-party partners we work with do not store or give out data when it is necessary to perform the service.

Certain third party providers like payment processors or gateways may have different privacy policies in relation to the information they require from us so that your transaction is complete.

It is crucial that you read the privacy guidelines and know how they deal with your data.

Remember that some companies are located in or be operating in a location that is different from yours or ours. If you opt to conduct a transaction using the services of a third party providers, your data may be subject to the laws in the country where the service provider is located or has its facilities.


have taken every precaution to safeguard any personal information that you may submit.

The information you provide us is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and AES-256. Even though there is no 100% encrypted methods for transmission as well as storage adhere to industry standards.


You represent by using this site that you are the requirements for minimum age in the state or province where you reside or that you meet the requirements for minimum age in the state or provincial residence where you reside and have agreed to permit minors who are dependent upon you to use this site.